10 Tips For Men New To Yoga

So, you’re new to yoga? Awesome!

Starting anything for the first time whether that’s going to the gym, picking up a new hobby, joining a local sports team or starting a new job can be super overwhelming. Yoga is no different.

Before your first yoga class you might be thinking “what if I make a mistake and people laugh at me?” or “am I flexible enough?”. The good news is that the yoga community at large is incredibly accepting and open to newcomers. They’ve all been in your position before. Even the yoga instructor.

Check out the infographic below for 10 helpful tips to help you get out there and start your yoga journey with confidence.


1. Try Yoga at home first

Feeling too self-conscious about going to a yoga class? Yoga Teacher Lauri McCallisterrecommends starting off with online yoga videos or live classes to test the waters. YouTube has some great channels you can follow along with from including Yoga With Adrienne and Yoga With Tim. If you’d like to join a live class from home, you could check out what your local yoga studio is offering online.

2. Don’t worry about flexibility

Most guys think they can’t do yoga because their flexibility sucks. But the truth is, flexibility can be developed overtime. Even if you can’t touch your toes, you can still do yoga. Yoga improves muscle length and endurance of muscle tissue, while increasing joint mobility. Better mobility means better performance in all areas of life. 

3. Don’t go too hard

big mistakethat people new to yoga make, especially guys, is pushing themselves way too hard. I remember choosing a hot Power Yoga class as one of my first yoga classes. I swear it nearly killed me. Leave the ego at the door and opt for a gentler beginners class and build from there. Overdoing it and injuring yourself is a good way to put you off of yoga. 

4. Know the difference between discomfort and pain

When you first start practicing yoga, your body will be in positions that you have likely never done before. You’ll also be activating muscles that you probably didn’t even know existed. This can cause some discomfort.

But there’s a big difference between pain and discomfort. If your body is feeling uncomfortable in new poses – that’s OK and perfectly normal. But if you feel sharp pain or sensations, you need to listen to your body. Don’t overdo it. 

5. Know your physiology

Guys are typically tight in the shoulders, hips, hamstrings and chest. Especially if you lift weights (bench press anyone?) or play sports. Just being aware of these limitations will help you to get your expectations in check when first attempting difficult poses. You might need to modify poses or take your time with certain postures as you build flexibility.

But the good news is that yoga can be extremely beneficial at helping you gain strength and flexibility in these areas. This will help you to create a bulletproof body that’s more resistant to injuries. Understand your weak spots and work around them.

6. Don’t be put off by the spiritual side

Yoga doesn’t have to be a spiritual practice if you don’t want it to be. Not every class is designed around chanting or spirituality. There are plenty of classes online such as Man Flow Yoga that focus on the physical aspects of strength, flexibility and mobility. 

7. Focus on your breath, man

It can be easy to hold your breath during difficult postures. If you can control your breath in yoga, you can control the body. Breathing controls the rise and fall of the body. For example, inhaling can help when lifting and lengthening the body, while exhaling can help you sink deeper into poses and relax the body.

8. Invest in a good “sticky mat”

When you first begin yoga, you might sweat a lot more than you would think. I know I did! I highly recommend investing a decent “sticky” yoga mat that stops your hands and feet slipping. You’ll want a mat that isn’t too thick or squishy though. 

9. Wear the right clothing

In yoga you’re going to be doing a lot of different moves that you probably haven’t done before. The last thing you want to wear are clothes that limit your mobility or reveal too much in certain poses. As a guy, you’ll want to wear a comfortable, breathable clothes like a shirt or tank top and running shorts. Just make sure your shirt isn’t too baggy as it could slip up and cover your face during inversions like downward dog. 

10. Accept that you might suck at first

It might sound harsh, but it’s the reality of yoga practice. If you haven’t focused on balance or flexibility much in the past, you’re going to find the poses in yoga super challenging. Check your ego at the door, push yourself hard (but don’t go crazy) and you’ll notice improvements in just a few weeks.

Jonathan Gilbert

Plant-based yoga enthusiast, guitarist and nature lover. Jonathan is passionate about empowering men to be the best versions of themselves through men’s yoga.


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