Tension in Jaw: Spiritual Meaning

Young man holding his face in discomfort

In the spiritual realm tension in the jaw is a sign of tension. It may be tension about a situation, tension with someone you care for or tension from your past. The tension can also come from feeling as if there are too many things going on at one time and that they're not being handled well enough to provide relief. This blog post will explore what this means spiritually and how it relates to physical tension in the jaw area as well as other areas of our body.

Spiritual lessons from jaw tension

Although it can be unpleasant, if we listen closely we might be able to identify unhelpful behaviours that could be holding us back from achieving our spiritual goals.

Tension in the jaw area can be tension from trying to contain feelings or emotions that are forcing their way out.

These emotions may come from a place of frustration with someone or something and not being able to express it properly without feeling too inadequate for handling the situation so you choose to put up an emotional barrier instead. You have tension because you feel as if you're dealing with more than you can handle.

You may experience tension in the jaw if others are constantly trying to give advice on how you should be doing things even though they don't know your situation or what's going on for you personally.

The tension of this nature is usually brought about by stress and it often manifests itself physically through tension in the jaw.

Another reason that you feel jaw tension is when you feel stuck between a rock and a hard place with no way out or idea how to proceed forward on your journey. You may even feel like there's nowhere to turn for help at all.

As tension builds up, it tends to affect other parts of the body and tension in the jaw is no exception. In fact, this tension creates pressure that can spread down into your neck, shoulders and chest area which may leave you feeling very tired or drained by the end of each day.

How jaw tension affects us spiritually and physically

In some cases, tension in the jaw has been known to cause teeth grinding as well due to an intense build-up of tension. If you find yourself grinding your teeth at night, it's very possible that tension is to blame for this behaviour and there are ways you can help alleviate the tension in order to stop this from happening again.

At night when we sleep, our body releases endorphins which promote feelings like relaxation and happiness within us. However, the tension in the jaw and tension that has spread into your neck, shoulders and chest can inhibit these endorphins from being released while we sleep.

This is why tension within the body (and tension within specific parts of our bodies like the jaw) can affect us deeply on a spiritual level as well because it inhibits our ability to feel happiness or relaxation.

Tension in the jaw can also manifest tension within other areas of our lives, including relationships because it affects us on a deep inner level. We are less able to be present with ourselves and others which inhibits feeling happiness or relaxation during these interactions. This tension then spreads into other parts of life where tension may exist too like work, sleep etc.

How can I relax my jaw from tension?

Relax your jaw from tension by repeating tiny mouth-opening and mouth-closing motions several times as a warm-up. Then, place your fingers along the top of your front four bottom teeth. Slowly pull down until you feel minor discomfort on the right side of your jaw. Hold for 30 seconds before slowly releasing your jaw back to its starting position.

In summary

Tension in the jaw area may be a sign that you are struggling with something or someone in your life. There is always tension in our lives when we have to make decisions about what matters most, but when there's too much going on it can feel overwhelming and cause us to feel stressed out.

This post has explored some of the spiritual implications behind feeling this anxiety as well as how physical manifestations of these feelings can affect other parts of our body. If you're experiencing any type of chronic pain I recommend speaking to your doctor for more information on how they might help relieve your symptoms.

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